Other Products and Services


We offer a number of other applications and APIs that address other uses cases lawyers and businesses might encounter. For example, we offer a Document Review Tool that can be used in legal due diligence to identify and extract provisions from documents.

Solve specific frustrations your lawyers experience.


We have designed our system as a holistic platform that grows with your use. For example, when one of your lawyers works on a document to our Rapid Repository, as they label the document, they are simultaneously contributing to training your machine “brain” for future tasks.

The connectedness of the applications on our platform enables you to effortlessly grow your private machine learning “brain”, and apply its learnings to solve your needs.

Our software can be applied to solve multiple problems because, at its core, it creates a robust and reusable database of legal information for your organization.

Additionally, we can work with your team to configure our software system to address other use cases.

Please contact us to learn more about other application on our platform and discuss how we can help supercharge the legal work you do.